"I'm not bad ... I'm just rendered that way!" Image source: me.
I'm in the process of completing "The Final Veil," a detective novel about the efforts of detective John Bowman to find a kidnapped belly dancer who is in a consensual real life realationship as a Gorean slavegirl. And this time I intend to do it right, launching the novel with a Kickstarter campaign to fun its completion and its marketing launch.
I don't know how many of you are Kickstarter fans, but if you're curious, here's their website. I don't have a page up, because I wanted to ask you: what sort of premiums would you like to see me offer for the book? (Remember, Kickstarter doesn't fund porn, and my book is not porn, it's squarely within the confines of the modern detective genre. Copies of the book in ebook or hardcover form? Sure! Signed copies of the books? The opportunity to have your name (or anyone's name you designate) appear in the books' Acknowledgements section? The chance to have one of the characters in the book named after you?
As you see I've got a front cover prototype all done and a teaser from one fo the chapters up to tempt people. Here's my teaser for the book itself:
April Dancer -- many consider her the best damn belly dancer on the planet, a breakthrough artist for belly dancers everywhere. She's been all over television, a living advertisement for the beauty and grace of belly dance, and she's an openly acknowledged Gorean slavegirl, livng the life consensually with her hunky master. When she disappears, the call goes out to John Bowman via the alluring belly dance teacher Lady Astra.
John Bowman -- a detective for the new millenium. Plugged in, turned on, online, a former to Atlanta detective who went on one too many pot busts and quit the force. With his crew of technical specialists, and his personal willingness to make it with beautiful women and knock heads with bad guys, he's able to bring resouces to bear that get results.
Who kidnapped April Dancer? One of her lust-crazed fans from her days as an exotic dancer? The Mothers of Propriety, a collection of morally snooty types? Or the ALFALFAns (the Alliance of Lesbian Feminists Against Legalized Fucking and Assault) a collection of womyn who despise myn? Or was it a desperate nutjob, crazed by April's beauty and sexuality? Can John Bowman find her before someone decides that murder is no worse than kidnapping and leaves no witnesses? He'll try if he has to interview and possibly have sex with every bluenose, feminist, belly dancer, stripper and slave girl in Atlanta!
Link to sample.
"Master? We were just waiting to have our brains interviewed out by John Bowman. We hear he gives great interview!" Image source: The Gorean Life tumblr.