What's worse than being a second banana? Try being a second banana sucker! Take a look at the lower right hand corner of this image. The poor woman is naked, she's in bondage, she's sucking on a guy's cock, and she's not really the focal point of the image at all: that's the naked woman getting her pussy licked, her feet licked and her breast fondled while everyone watches, with poor Miss Second Banana Sucker literally overshadowed by the woman at the focal center of the photo. Poor kid! Maybe you'll hit the big time one day and it'll be a closeup of YOUR face plastered over a DVD with some guy's cock in your mouth. We can only hope! Image source: PublicDisgrace.com.
In my efforts to make owning ebooks by Pat Powers so easy that it's almost inevitable, I've converted them to the Nook format, a task so Herculean that just thinking about it makes me break a sweat. And just to make it easier for you, here's a list of the books on Barnes and Noble's website:
Fifty Shades of Slave Princess Gaia
The Hottitude of Servitude
A Little Bit of Monica
and just to refresh your memory, here are the links for the books on Amazon:
Fifty Shades of Slave Princess Gaia
The Hottitude of Servitude
A Little Bit of Monica
Now go forth and buy, my minions! Buy! Buy! BUUUUUUY!!!! Bwahahahahahaha!
End public service message.